verry nice dude!
Congratz on the number 1 top 5 and the audio portal hight score!
I really enjoyed your sound, as always!
Keep rocking buddy!
verry nice dude!
Congratz on the number 1 top 5 and the audio portal hight score!
I really enjoyed your sound, as always!
Keep rocking buddy!
Thanks dude :)
hey man
you are good, keep it up ;)
Nothing more constructive to say lol
XD lol, thanks
Never too hard
Keep the hardness man.....
the only thing you needs (Again) is more strongs synths!
Much more then the synth is lagging in this song:P
The kick sucks and is NOT hard enough. Practicly everything in the beginning needs more distortion, and almost the whole song sounds strangely empty:S I still kinda like it though, although I SUCK at making music:P
Your bass drum is damn sweet and I really like the overall song!
the only thing you need is to make stronger synths!
Keep this up ;)
Thanks alot! I know my biggest issue in this song is the synth. I generally suck at making synths, to be honnest nomatter what genre I'm making:(
Oh well, I'm pretty proud of this song myself, so I'm glad you like it!
La bass est malade ladedans :P
Malheureusement, c'est la meme esti dbass que t'aime pas dans les dernières tracks que j'ai faites avec FLStudio :p
Ton drum ladessus y sonne bien, y manque juste de jus dans le kick sinon c'est parfait lol
Yep yep, ta bein raison, sauf que ldrum sur reason est 100x mieux :)
Dans l'fond
Est vraiment cool la toune....c'est surement une de tes best heheh.
I really like it, and i especially your voice, but you should put less effects on it!
Haha, thanks man!! The effects were part of the parody. haha. Otherwise, this might get serious. :D Thanks again, dude.
wow man
I'm fucking impressed. You have an amazing voie!!
Damn man, haven't seen you in FOREVER~! How's shit going, pal>?
Thanks for the review,dude!@
haha man
that's awesome
Thanks homeslice!
Age 34, Male
Music producer
Joined on 10/24/04